The Heroines

Gladys "Tag" Taggart

is honored with a Brick from Natasha Fife, Bobbie Harris, Bonnie Bing Honeyman, and Yvonne Slingerland.

Dr. Gladys Taggart is a woman who has touched the lives of hundreds of students and is one of the most memorable of all the instructors I came in contact with at Wichita State University. As a physical education instructor she was intent on everyone understanding the value of exercise and good health and determined to send the physical education majors into the schools ready to teach and pass on, not only their knowledge, but a positive attitude toward a life-long commitment to good health. Her love of wit and optimism and her devotion to her students and friends have made Dr. Taggart a very special person in my life.

Submitted by Bonnie Bing Honeyman and Bobbie Harris, students of Dr. Taggart's from 1965-69

A friend is: A push when you've stopped, A word when you're lonely, A guide when you're searching, A smile when you're sad, A song when you're glad. Go often to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke up the unused path. by William Shakespeare This verse comes to mind when we think of "Tag" and the gentle way she influenced many colleagues and students. Early in our professional life, Dr. Taggart was a major influence that led to our involvement and commitment to numerous professional groups. As a result we experienced tremendous professional growth and many life-long friends. As young teachers, Dr. Taggart became a mentor long before the word was popular. She helped us discover the fact that our students are the most important component in teaching. Dr. Taggart is a gracious, gentle, caring lady and a true friend. submitted by Yvonne Slingerland, Natasha Fife and colleagues September 12, 1998