The Heroines

Edith Johnson Vohs

is honored with a Large Paver from Mr. C.Q. "Chuck" Chandler III.

 Edith Johnson Vohs Edith Alexander Johnson Vohs was a capable, determined, self-made woman. She was the only person in her immediate family to graduate from high school. She accomplished this by riding a horse five miles each way to school. She never stopped learning. She took correspondence courses, summer school courses, and at age forty-two, she started her formal college education. It was interrupted a few times, but she earned her college degree in 1965 when she was fifty-nine years old.

When I was a child, she stressed education to me. She made piano lessons available on a tight budget. I had no choice about going to college--I was to go, and I wanted to. She instilled in me the idea that I could accomplish anything if I worked hard enough. She made our family stand taller, think higher, and work harder.

Submitted by Georgia Johnson Chandler

September 12, 1998