The Heroines

Janet Helt Wright

is honored with a Brick from Greg Wright.

The first time I saw Janet, she was walking across campus at WSU. Can't tell you it was love at first sight, but I knew immediately she was someone I wanted to get to know. That wasn't an easy task, because I soon learned that there were a lot of other guys who had the same idea.

We ended up working afternoons together at Henry's Princeton Shop while we were still in school. We didn't get along all that well at first, but over time grew to understand and like each other. Like grew to love and we were married the summer after graduation.

Janet's interest in her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta, kept bringing her back to campus. She became very involved in the alumni chapter and was soon voted alumni president. That was the start of her ongoing commitment as an adult to the Gamma Phis. She has held a number of national offices and traveled to chapters across the country working with college women.

While she did her volunteer work, she more importantly raised three sons: Jason, Joel and Jeremy. All of the "J's" in her life have always been a point of conversation. These three boys were always busy! Not much rest for Mom.

When the boys were older, she decided she was ready for a career. Her interest in kids continued when she went to work at the Institute of Logopedics, now Heartspring. As her career grew, her interest remained focused on kid issues.

The few moments when she isn't working, she loves to be at home. "Fiddling" as the boys say. Outside she loves having her hands in the dirt, walking, running, or whatever. Always busy... that's Janet.

This is dedicated to my best friend and the love of my life.

Submitted by Greg Wright

July 28, 1998 (for Janet Heft Wright)