The Heroines

Amy Hesse

is honored with a Brick from Christina Hesse.

 Amy  Hesse The Plaza of Heroines was designed, in its initial vision, to pay homage to women of strength and character whose past courage, intelligence, and service to new generations of women have meant progress for the whole of humankind. But I think it's appropriate that I honor a young woman, still at the very beginning of her life and of her service, life experience, and education, a young woman whose promise exemplifies for me the hope for a future generation of feminist and feminine thinkers.

This woman also happens to be my daughter, Amy Hesse. I feel that I have learned a lot about the world in which I live now from my daughter. I am encouraged by the confidence and will my daughter has - she knows that if she is willing to put in the time and energy, she can literally do anything. What a gift past generations of women have given my daughter! And how thankful I am that Amy does not have to be limited - indeed, she feels propelled - by her role as a woman.

Mothers and daughters have a special and interesting relationship. It is sometimes difficult for mothers to see their daughters as separate individuals, capable of making different and often very good decisions on their own. It can be hard, too, to see them experience the pains of life for themselves But it can also be exciting and rewarding. I have watched my daughter grow, on her own, and it seems she is becoming a remarkable woman. Sometimes I can see myself in her; most often, though, she is a wonderfully unique person, extraordinary by her own rights.

I want this brick to be one of the many ways I can let Amy know that she makes me very proud. More importantly, she gives me hope. Sometimes it is easy to let the small things, even large things, distract us from the beauty and wonder of life. But things are getting better, I know this. All I need to do is watch my daughter, Amy Hesse, and I am reminded.

Submitted by Christina Hesse

September 5, 1998